Sunday, November 20, 2011

Life Follows You

Life Follows You

• Life presents everything to you for you to choose what you love!
• If someone has something you want, be as excited as though you have it. If you feel love for it, you are bringing the same thing to you.
• When you see the things you want, you are on the same frequency as those things!
• Life’s catalogue contains things you don’t love, so don’t choose them by giving bad feelings.
• Turn away from the things you don’t love and don’t give them any feeling. Instead say yes when you see something you love.
• The law of attraction is responding to your feelings! It’s only what you give that counts. The law of attraction – is the law of you.
• Give judgment and criticism and you give it to yourself. Give love and appreciation to another person or anything, and you give it to yourself.
• When people see a lack of anything, it’s simply a lack of love.
• You are good enough now. If you have done something that wasn’t right, your realization and acceptance of it is absolution for the law of attraction.
• It’s your beliefs, true of untrue, that form your world.
• Your imagination is more real than the world you see, because the world you see comes from what you imagine and believe! What you believe and feel to be true is what will be your life.
• Whatever story you tell, whether good or bad, will be the story of your life. So start telling the story of your amazing life, and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it.

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