Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Power and Health

The Power and Health

• What you continually give to your body with your beliefs or strong feelings, you receive in your body. Every feeling you have saturates every cell and organ in your entire body.
• You are the ruler of a kingdom, and your cells are your most loyal subjects who serve you without question, so whatever you think and feel becomes the law of your kingdom – the law within your body.
• When you give negative thoughts and feelings of what you don’t want, the force of health to tour cells reduces! When you feel love for anything – for a sunny day, new house, friend, or promotion – your body receives the full force of health.
• Gratitude is the great multiplier, so say thank you for your health every single day.
• Say thank you with all your heart for what you do like about your body, and ignore the things you don’t like.
• To see your health improve, give love to health more than fifty percent of the time. Just 51 percent is the tipping point from sickness to health.
• If you are facing illness, do your best not to own it with your thought and words. Instead, give love to health, own health, and make it yours.
• Give love for the perfect weight, perfect body, perfect health of an organ, and imagine having it, and be utterly grateful for everything you do have!
• If you believe that your body will deteriorate with age, you are giving out that belief, and the law of attraction must return those circumstances to you.
• Feel young and stop feeling your age.
• Your body will change into whatever you want, through your feelings of love and gratitude.

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